Loving our Neighbours
Jesus gives two simple commands to those who follow him: first that we should love God and second, that we should love the people around us, our neighbours, as we love ourselves.
Various people at St Mary Magdalene are involved in a variety of local charities, many of which are supported by Churches Together in Littlehampton.
Turning Tides
Turning Tides is a key charity which we support all year. This is the local churches’ charity involved with the homeless. We support this charity with some financial support, by collecting clothes and toiletries and some people volunteer at the centres.
4Sight Vision Support is a leading sight loss charity supporting the visually impaired community of West Sussex. Some members of the congregation have been involved with this local charity for many years.
The church supports the local food bank with various forms of donations.
Town Centre Chaplains
This project is put together by the Local Churches Together and provides pastoral support to people in the town centre.
Ford Prison
Various members of the congregation volunteer in the local prison, in the education department and with the Christian Prison fellowship.